Southwoods EstatesThis project involved surveying and engineering design services for the completion of construction plans for the development of a residential subdivision in Ashland County. This design included a 20,000 gallons per day wastewater treatment facility...
ASD-250-23.45 State Bridge RehabilitationProject located on U.S.R.250 over Muddy Fork east of Rowsburg in Ashland County. Provided engineering and surveying services for roadway improvement and bridge rehabilitation for a 245’ long project. Designed roadway approaches...
ASD-89-(8.48)(8.77) State Bridge ReplacementProject located on S.R.89 over the Austin Run and Drushel Run, respectively, in Ashland County. Provided engineering and surveying services concerning road widening and bridge replacement for a 1,475’ long project. ...
ASD-302-0.89 State Bridge ReplacementProject located on S.R.302 over Muddy Fork east of Red Haw in Ashland County. Provided engineering and surveying services for roadway widening and bridge replacement for a 295’ long project. Designed roadway approaches and 84’-3”...
ASD-T.R.2724-5.90 County Bridge ReplacementProject located on Twp. Road 2724 over Big Run in Ashland County. Provided engineering and surveying services for roadway widening and bridge replacement for an 800’ long project. Designed roadway approaches and 98’ curved...