Vice President/Treasurer
Roadway, Maintenance of Traffic, Traffic Control, Storm Sewer, Sanitary Sewer, Bridge and Right of Way Plan Review
Corporate Finance
Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering
The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, 1991
ODOT Certifications:
Section 4(f) Training Class
Right of Way Plan Development, 1998 & 2007
Traffic Signing and Markings, May 2005
Maintenance of Traffic, and Traffic Signals, June 2005
Registered Professional Engineer in Ohio
Surveyor Intern in Ohio
Mr. Amstutz began his career with SJL in 1991 and has acquired civil engineering experience on over 100 projects for ODOT Districts 3, 4, 6, Counties, Municipalities and public as well as private civil site developments. This project experience includes the design of streets, roadways, drainage ways, storm sewers, sanitary sewers, water lines, maintenance of traffic plans, right of way plans, traffic control plans, project site plans, and residential and commercial subdivisions. His residential and commercial subdivision engineering experience includes the design of streets, water lines, storm sewers, sanitary sewers (including lift station design), storm water detention and water quality structures, storm water pollution prevention plans, and grading plans.
Roadway/Street Design
Mr. Amstutz has been the project engineer for numerous new and reconstructed roadway/street improvement projects. The types of work performed on these projects include, horizontal and vertical realignments, intersection and driveway sight distance calculations, storm sewer design, ditch design including erosion control calculations, culvert calculations, typical section design, guardrail length of need calculations, cross section design, utility relocations, driveway design, quantity calculations, preparation of general notes, preparation of project site plans and general summaries.
Maintenance of Traffic
Mr. Amstutz has also been involved in the design of numerous projects requiring various types of maintenance of traffic plans. Many of these projects included closing of the roadway to through traffic and providing a detour route including all applicable signing. Other projects required part-width construction so that through traffic could be maintained during construction. The design of these maintenance of traffic plans have included pavement for maintaining traffic, roads for maintaining traffic, work zone guardrail, signal timing setting calculations, portable concrete barrier design, work zone pavement marking and signing design, work zone typical section design and quantity calculations. He has also designed multi-phased maintenance of traffic plans that have including median crossovers with crossover lighting systems, allowing both two way one lane operation and two way two lane operation to be maintained throughout the construction phase of the project. These plans have included maintenance of traffic cross sections detailing the limits of all roads and pavement for maintaining traffic and the appropriate temporary drainage. All maintenance of traffic plans have all been designed in conformance with the Traffic Engineering Manual, the OMUTCD, the current Construction and Materials Specifications and all applicable Standard Construction Drawings.
Right of Way
Mr. Amstutz has been the project engineer for a number of projects that involved the acquisition of additional right of way as part of a street, roadway, or bridge improvement project. His experience includes the preparation of centerline plats, property maps, summary of additional right of way tables, right of way detail plans, railroad plats, and legal descriptions, both in the traditional and alternate plan format.