WAY-County Line Trail LPA Bike Path Project
Our firm provided engineering services for the design and preparation of detailed plans for a 6.75-mile-long, 10’ wide, multi-use trail with an asphalt wearing course in northern Wayne County. This project included single span precast concrete box beam bridge structures over Chippewa Creek and Tommy Run with lengths of 111’ and 63’ respectively. Additionally, there was a 54” diameter culvert that will allow the trail to cross an unnamed creek with a drainage area of 97 acres. All work was performed in accordance with ODOT and AASHTO requirements. Our work involved design of the bikeway, bridges, parking lots, traffic control, right of way plans, assistance in preparation of the Plans, Specifications & Estimate package, and assistance during the bidding process. We also coordinated all environmental studies and reports, geotechnical engineering, and the right of way acquisition.
The project construction cost was $1.7 million.
Client: Rails to Trails of Wayne County, 2010.