RIC-Trimble Road III Municipal Road Widening & Bridge Rehabilitation
This 2,946’ long road widening project for the City of Mansfield involved the rehabilitation of a three-span continuous steel beam bridge over the Norfolk Southern Railroad. Our design work included widening the bridge, adding a sidewalk to the deck, and extending the abutments and piers and widening of Trimble Road from 4th Street to U.S. Route 30 to add a center turn lane through a predominantly commercial area. The design included the reconstruction of seven intersections and 19 driveways, 871’ of storm sewers, and the extension of a 132” conduit. In order to maintain traffic during construction, the project was constructed in four stages. Right of way plans were prepared that included 29 takes from 19 different owners including a railroad plat.
The estimated construction cost was $650,300.
Client: City of Mansfield, 1994.