MED-71-20.34 State Bridge Rehabilitation Project
This project involved the improvement of 400’ of Remsen Road (C.R.37) over I.R.71 in Medina Township by replacing the concrete deck of a four-span (58’, 2 @ 82’-9”, 58’) non-composite continuous steel beam bridge on U-type abutments and cap and column piers on spread footings. The roadway clearance was widened from 24’± (f/f safety curbs) to 28’ (t/t parapets). Shear connectors were added to the beams to make the new deck composite. End cross frames were removed and replaced. The bottoms of steel fascia beams at the abutments were repaired by removing and replacing rectangular sections above the bearings, which were also replaced. All structural steel was cleaned and repainted. The top 2’-10”± of the abutment backwalls as well as the upper portions of the wingwalls were all removed and replaced along with the expansion joints. Maintenance of Traffic included a detour of Remsen Road and lane closures and lane shifts on I.R.71 using portable concrete barriers. Traffic was also maintained on nearby ramps throughout the project.
Project estimated construction cost is $1,132,000.
Client: ODOT District 3, 2013.