CRA-598-9.11 State Bridge Replacement Project

This Shaffer Pomeroy project in Vernon Twp. over Loss Creek improved 678’ of roadway by raising the profile grade and increasing the sight distance by reducing the depth of the sag vertical curve. This also involved replacing the existing three-span concrete slab bridge with a new 32’ wide 40’ long single span composite precast concrete box beam on pile-supported integral abutments. One interesting feature of this bridge was the presence of an artesian groundwater layer during subsurface investigation which consistently produced flow at a rate of approximately 20 gallons per minute in three borings. Special design details to channel this flow away from the abutments without reducing lateral pile support were developed by our geotechnical subconsultant, S&ME, and ODOT Central Office engineers. Pomeroy & Associates provided bridge design checking services. Estimated construction cost: $ 531,043.
Contact: Mr. Michael L. Weiler.

Client: ODOT District 3, 2013.